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**Charging to student accounts for the Fall Semester is available until September 4. **


**While we are under construction, we encourage you to order your textbooks online after attending class at least once to confirm needed materials.  Check the “pickup at store” shipping option if you are going to be on campus.  The Bookstore will be in its temporary location between the Dining Hall and Luckasen Room.**


Bookstore Hours: 

8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday - Thursday

8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Friday




The Mayville State Bookstore and academic are offering students and faculty the most up-to-date delivery of eBooks and adaptive learning platforms. The partnerships will reduce costs up to 70% off the price of a new print textbook. Additionally, specific program features such as interactive online assignments, multimedia presentations, virtual tutoring, dynamic study and self-assessment tools give students everything they need to study well and succeed!


Why can't I access my inclusive materials in Blackboard?

There are a few reasons you might have trouble finding our getting access through Blackboard:

  1. Your instructor has not yet loaded the inclusive access materials into blackboard.
  2. You have registered for the class within the last 2 business days.
  3. Your instructor may have specific instructions for accessing the materials.

Why can't I add my inclusive access title to my shopping cart?

Inclusive access is billed separately from your other course materials. Your inclusive access title will be automatically billed to your university account. Do not purchase the title directly from the publisher or you may be billed twice for the same course material.

Benefits For Students

  • Students are sent an email before classes begin with instructions on how to access their digital course materials content. Access the content is available on the first day of class.
  • In order to retain access, students must remain opted-in. This requires students to take no action and a charge for the inclusive access materials is automatically billed to the student’s university account.
  • If students choose to opt out, they can do so easily by accessing their Inclusive Access Portal before the opt-out deadline. Access is then turned off and no charge is assessed.
  • A low cost print option may be available for those who do not opt out.

For specific information about your Inclusive Access title, enter your information at the Inclusive Access Portal

Benefits For Faculty

  • Academic freedom to choose when to use the program and control over what modules that are activated for student use.
  • Your students will all have access to the material on the first day of class.
  • Utilizing state-of-the-art technology, Inclusive Access allows professors to facilitate learning beyond the classroom. With interactive online assignments, multimedia presentations, virtual tutoring, dynamic study and self-assessment tools, professors can now have the most advanced educational tools available at their disposal.
  • As the program grows faculty and student feedback with learning outcomes will be available.
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