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**Charging to student accounts for the Fall Semester is available until September 4. **
**While we are under construction, we encourage you to order your textbooks online after attending class at least once to confirm needed materials. Check the “pickup at store” shipping option if you are going to be on campus. The Bookstore will be in its temporary location between the Dining Hall and Luckasen Room.**
Bookstore Hours:
8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday - Thursday8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Friday
Ordering Instructions
If you are taking Dual Credit classes, please select term: HS SPG DC 22 to view your textbooks.
Note: If you are planning to use your student financial aid to pay for your order, there is a minimum of 3 working days before newly enrolled students information is available to the bookstore.
If you are paying with a credit card, you can build your account and place your order. You do need to have your student ID number if you are renting books.
Please use your credit card for payment if you are ordering outside of the dates approved for charging to student accounts
To view textbook information without placing an order: scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the Order Textbooks button.
1. Login or Create Bookstore Account
Existing Users (and to request your password)
Login to your bookstore account and then proceed to the next step.
New Users
Register using your Mayville State email. Follow the directions to complete your account registration.
2. Choosing Books
Course Materials > Textbooks.
Select Term and Departments > Select appropriate term from the selection provided.
Note: If you do not see your term listed, click on the current term to display other terms.
Select the department (ACCT, BIOL, etc.). Courses will automatically be added to your list.
Click "View Your Materials".
Choose the book you want, new/used or rental if available and add to your cart.
Note: If there are multiple options for your required text, do not order all of the options. If you don’t want a printed book, then the access or E-Book would typically be your choice.
3. Checkout
First you will choose Pickup at Bookstore (on campus students) or Ship order to your requested address (distance learning students). Your billing and shipping address will show along with the shipping policy. Be sure your shipping address is correct in order to avoid delays and additional costs for delivery. (there are no shipping charges for Pickup at Bookstore)
Select a shipping method first by selecting the "Ship Via" drop down.(will not show for Pickup at Bookstore option)
Payment options will then display to the right.
Paying by Financial Aid?
Select Mayville State Financial Aid from the drop down menu.
Enter your 7 digit student ID account number along with your securing credit card information.
Note: You must provide a credit card number on your order even if you are charging to your student account. Your cart will show the estimated total of your order, but your securing credit card will be charged a $1.00 pre-authorization followed by a $1.00 credit. When your order is shipped, your credit card or approved student account will be charged the full amount.
Financial Aid is not approved to pay for imprinted clothing or gifts.
4. Submit Your Order
Click Submit Order. You will receive an order number at this time and an email almost immediately confirming your order.
Note: If you do not receive an order number and a confirming email, your order is not completed.
E-Book Order notice
If you ordered an E-Book, your credit card will be charged immediately for the cost of the E-Book. You will receive an email confirming your E-Book purchase. Follow the instructions on the email to access the E-Book. Once you activate an E-Book, there are no refunds.
If you have questions: email us at: [email protected]